Most frequently asked questions
How to issue an invoice in BIZKY?
To invoice through Bizky, you need to register by clicking the "Invoice now" button on our website. To set up an account, you will need an email address and basic personal information, such as your first name, last name, PESEL number, and mailing address.
Contract in BIZKY - how does it work and what does it give me?
Through the service, you can conclude a cooperation agreement with your contractor, which defines your business arrangements. The agreement is not mandatory for each assignment and can be concluded in electronic form. Concluding a cooperation agreement can accelerate the subsequent settlement process. You can conclude the agreement to formalize your arrangements with the client regarding your work with our support.
How many invoices can I settle through BIZKY?
There is no limit on the number of invoices or revenues you can settle through BIZKY. As part of our offer, you can use Freelance One, where you can independently issue an invoice and request payment with a small commission, or you can register for the Freelance subscription, where for a net price of 399 PLN per month, you can issue a larger number of invoices without commission.
What types of jobs can I invoice through Bizky?
You can invoice various types of services provided to your clients through Bizky. With Bizky Freelance One, you can invoice for specific projects completed for clients, and you can find a list of those projects by registering in the system. With Bizky Freelance, you can invoice for completed projects, assignments, and other services based on a contract for a specific work or a service contract.
What are the costs of using Bizky for invoicing?
In Bizky, issuing an invoice is associated with a one-time commission, which is indicated by the calculator available on the website. In the subscription model, the subscription cost is PLN 399 net. We deduct the appropriate income tax and/or social security contributions from each income.
Can I benefit from the tax relief for young people (PIT0) in Bizky?
Yes, the youth tax relief is available at Bizky for those using our subscription model. If you are under 26, please contact us to settle your work without income tax.
Are there any limitations on settling orders with Bizky?
We have no restrictions, you can settle your work with us regardless of age, income or industry.